Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are marketed as powerful productivity tools, but some of us may find their device’s time-wasting apps to be more of a distraction. What to do? Timesuck Apps at WorkAccording to a study by mConcierge, 9% of Americans...
Secure passwords are essential for keeping your data and confidential information safe. The security of your business depends on measures to stop people gaining access to your records without authorization. Passwords can be a nuisance and many people – maybe you...
Everyone has accidentally closed an important web browser tab before they were finished with it. What can you really do about it, though? You might expect that you have to search for the page again, but there’s a much easier way to do it. In your Google Chrome browser...
Microsoft Word has long since established itself as the primary word processing software in the business world, but even some power users don’t necessarily know about all of the hidden features that exist in it. Here are three of the best Word capabilities that you’ll...
In 2020, education is dealing with a whole new reality. COVID-19 is making it difficult to get students back in the classroom, so most schools are going be doing at least half some of their classes online. Today, we’ll take a look at some of the technology that...