3 IT Solutions For Your Law Firm

3 IT Solutions For Your Law Firm

These days, lawyers are involved in many aspects of the business world, from trials and court hearing to financial transactions. Their job may be in the law-and-order system, but they are businesspeople too. As such, they rely on business technology to run their...
How to Properly Manage Business Software

How to Properly Manage Business Software

If you were a carpenter, a gardener, a surgeon or a hairdresser, you’d need to maintain and manage your work tools. It’s the same with business software and IT tools that are used daily. Let’s look at some ways to do this effectively. Say No to Shadow IT If you don’t...
What is BYOD And Why Should I Care?

What is BYOD And Why Should I Care?

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), is changing the look and feel of the modern office. As the ownership rate of mobile devices among American adults creeps closer to reaching 50%, more gadgets are showing up around the office, and they are being used to get work done! If...
Retaining Workers with Technology

Retaining Workers with Technology

Employee turnover can really stunt productivity and force you to waste a lot of time hiring and training new people. It’s also bad for employee culture at work. How can you use technology to retain top talent and reinforce good culture amongst your employees?...