When you give your financial details to a retailer you expect it to be secure, but hackers and malware make this a challenge. One of the worst incidents in the last decade was when Target’s security was breached, with the loss of financial information belonging to...
Are you looking for IT support? Quikteks is the #1 New Jersey computer support service for small and medium-sized businesses. As a business owner and employer of a team, you’ll appreciate the importance of a server, but of course it doesn’t end when you acquire a...
Have you ever had your smartphone stolen? If so, you’ll understand how frustrating it is, as well as appreciating that you might be exposed to various risks. You can take some steps to stop that happening, so let’s look at some prevention strategies and, if you do...
Mobility is important in 21st century technology. People using mobile technology more and more means it’s also more important to access technical support when they’re on the move. If an emergency arises, how will you obtain IT support for your business if you’re miles...
Business technology is always evolving, creating new and more efficient ways to work. Cloud computing plays a major role in IT today. This shift can be seen as a technological quantum leap. Cloud solutions have revolutionized the ways businesses run their IT and...