Data is a vital resource for modern businesses, and most organizations have lots of it. Data loss could be hugely damaging, which means that backing up data is absolutely essential. Cloud computing is one of the foremost solutions to ensure data redundancy (extra copies) and easy availability in case data is lost or compromised. Let’s look at the benefits for using cloud storage for your data backups.
Backing up data
All organizations need to have some kind of backup strategy. You could back up to a spare hard, or to tap. That’s better than nothing but we wouldn’t really recommend it. A full Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution is a more comprehensive option that offers much better protection against data loss. A best practices compliant BDR will ensure that if anything goes badly wrong you’ll have an additional copy of your data to restore from.
Because your data is so important, we recommend that you aim to have multiple backup copies. The ideal scenario is keeping three copies of your data. This is called the 3-2-1 rule. Two copies should be stored on different storage media, and another one should be stored off the premises entirely.
Backing up to the cloud
As we’ve already mentioned, cloud-hosted backup is a premier option for secure safeguarding of your valuable data. So let’s take a closer look at the advantages that cloud storage offers. It started out as a way for home users to back up important files but it’s been hugely expanded, so that businesses of all sizes can reap the benefits.
To access cloud storage for your data backups you will enter into a relationship with a vendor, but you retain full control of your data and can rest assured that you have an off-site copy that won’t disappear if disaster strikes (a fire, for example). Cloud storage also has other advantages. Restore times are typically fast, and your staff will easily be able to access files remotely, promoting effective collaborative working.
More about Backup and Disaster Recovery
At Quikteks we make various recommendations to business on how best to set up and operate their business technology. BDR is probably the most important strategy for businesses to implement. The bottom line is that statistics show that few businesses can survive and thrive after a major data loss. Even a temporary suspension of operations can have dire consequences for most businesses.
We recommend backing up your computing environment regularly. That could be as often as every quarter of an hour for some businesses. This ensures that everything, including your system settings, is preserved. The BDR is partly attached to your network, so it can even take the place of your server in some circumstances. With your data also sent to the cloud, it is secure in the hands of professional technicians who are experts in safeguarding it.
You can’t underestimate the importance of BDR in today’s world. It’s not worth risking your data, and losing it all could be catastrophic. With BDR, you can manage any IT disasters, rapidly restore your data and get back to work. To learn more about data backup and implementing a BDR strategy, give Quikteks a call at (973) 882-4644.