Does Your Staff Suffer From Internet Addiction?

Does Your Staff Suffer From Internet Addiction?

Internet surfing is relaxing and fun but, like most activities, it can be taken to extremes. It’s one thing clicking from website to website and spending time on social media on a lazy Sunday afternoon. If you’re wasting time on it at work, then your productivity is...
Email Spam Prevention

Email Spam Prevention

Nobody enjoys getting spam in their email inbox. It’s annoying, it can waste precious time to sift through, and did we mention that it’s annoying? Every email user is familiar with spam, but not everyone may know how spam got its infamous name. The answer...
Secure Your Sensitive Data with VPN

Secure Your Sensitive Data with VPN

Implementing a VPN solution is one of the best decisions you can make to ensure the security of the files your network transports when users are working remotely. No matter where you are sending files, VPN greatly enhances security. What is a VPN, and why should you...
How To Not Ignore Data Security

How To Not Ignore Data Security

If you run a small business, you might consider yourself a small target of hacking attacks. It might make sense to think of it in this way, but this actually is not advisable to think of it in this way. According to a recent survey by CNBC and SurveyMonkey, only two...