Dont Ignore Unneeded Applications

Dont Ignore Unneeded Applications

A neat and uncluttered environment is always more pleasant to be in, although it’s not always simple to achieve and maintain. The same principle applies in computing. Your company network needs to be orderly and organized. It all adds up to a better working experience...
Ghost Servers

Ghost Servers

Ghost Servers Around the world, every culture has some kind of belief in spirits who live on after death, and everyone has heard a ghost story or two. Of course, not everyone believes they exist, though many swear that they’ve seen them personally. In the world of...
How to Remove the Harmful Superfish App Off Your PC

How to Remove the Harmful Superfish App Off Your PC

When you purchase a new computer it comes with pre installed software. You assume that your new PC is secure and has been properly vetted by the manufacturer. This is the case 99 percent of the time. Unfortunately, an exception has recently been discovered with the...