How’s your IT infrastructure? If you aren’t staying on top of your technology infrastructure and support, you’re wasting time and resources. Ask yourself the following questions:
Do You Constantly Suffer from Downtime and Computer Issues?
If so, you’re wasting money. Computers that are slow or constantly breaking down waste time. Employees who can’t work efficiently because computers don’t perform well waste more time. Hardware failure leads to wasteful downtime and data loss. If someone isn’t periodically checking on your IT, all this is killing your productivity.
Is Your IT Being Actively Managed and Maintained?
…or is your current IT provider waiting for you to call them?
If your computer won’t boot up correctly when you get to work, your morning is shot. Now imagine if each of your employees encounters this problem. Nobody can afford the lack of productivity. IT needs to be there to provide support and proactively prevent problems with downtime and connectivity. If not, perhaps it’s time for a change.
Are Emergencies Treated like Emergencies?
If an IT emergency prevents 10 employees from working, you’re paying 10 salaries for nothing. This is a waste you don’t need. If your IT people don’t prevent or jump on emergencies, replace them.
Can Your Employees Get Support When It’s Needed?
Would your employees hesitate to ask for support because of the extra cost? With a managed service provider like Quikteks, your service contract allows employees a certain number of calls, per your level agreement, at no extra cost. They just report the issue and get back to work.
Is Your Network Fully Documented?
Each device on your network; desktops, laptops, servers, printers, routers, access points, switches, VoIP phones, etc., needs to be documented for maximum efficiency.
IT should document when the device was purchased and installed, including who installed it, the model and serial numbers, warranty information, and access information. This allows them to access replacement and service that is covered, budget for upgrades, and other information necessary for maintenance.
Is Your Data Being Backed Up?
Your data is everything. If a disaster wipes it out, your business is sunk. Your IT people need to take your data backup and disaster recovery plan as seriously as you do. Discuss this with your IT people. How often, when, and to what locations? Read our blog post “Backup and Disaster Recovery Can Keep You From Losing It All.” It’s serious.
Is Your IT Firm Working with You to Discuss and Review Their Performance?
IT is about making technology work for you, so if you aren’t happy, ask your IT firm to sit down with you to discuss and review. It’s a good sign if they initiate the conversation. Your account manager should be ready to help you put together a full IT roadmap and plan for the future. If they’re not helping you stay efficient and competitive, what are you paying them for?
If you’re reading our blog, you know Quikteks has a global grasp of business IT issues. We can help. Reach out to us at (973) 882-4644.