Businesses can save time and money by outsourcing their IT and reaping the benefits that remote IT services offer. People sign up with remote IT services providers for a variety of reasons, but they all have similar ideas about what they expect outsourcing to deliver.

A while back, HfS Research, in association with KPMG, surveyed 312 companies to find out what clients expected from outsourced IT. What they want and need isn’t something that’s changed since. Here are three of the most important issues that were identified.

1) Improved Analytics

Of those surveyed, 48% cited improved analytics as important, so that they can access strategic talent and upgrade operations. This is because of the importance of big data for businesses. With the advent of the ‘Internet of Things’, a revolution has occurred, with new data generated.

This provides businesses with important insights relevant to marketing. The data gathered is analyzed to assist business owners and back up their major decisions with information about market trends. Data helps businesses to fine-tune their operations and increase their competitiveness. Quikteks has the tools you need for your business to use data effectively.

2) Access to New Technologies

47% of responders cited access to new technology solutions as a key concern. This is not the top reason for taking advantage of outsourced IT, because most people sign up initially for making their IT usage more effective. However, as the client builds a relationship with the IT provider, the IT company becomes a trusted advisor on the latest technology solutions that are suitable for their operations. This tailored advice may seem like a by-product of the core service, but it is something that clients come to value highly over time.

3) Analytics for Revenue Growth

This may seem similar to the demand for better analytics mentioned above, but there’s one other reason that this is desirable for businesses. Big data can help businesses increase their bottom line – and what business doesn’t aim to do that? Quikteks can supply you with the tools you need to increase your revenue and reduce operating costs.

HfS told that ‘The focus on digital outcomes has dramatically emerged, with many clients increasingly no longer viewing tactical success as their end game. The onus is on clients to move the conversation to one of better analytical capability, more savvy and creative support talent, and access to better tools. These are the new stakes’.

The IT professionals at Quikteks have always aimed to meet and exceed these expectations and to deliver more than a managed IT service for businesses. We go beyond the confines of a service contract and see ourselves as a partner in your quest to find solutions that will deliver the success you are aiming for. Our outsourced IT services are part of this, but we go further.

Our services aren’t confined to basic tech help and remote IT services. Our in-depth IT consulting is designed to help your company increase revenue with new technology solutions. For more information on outsourced IT, and much more, call Quikteks today at (973) 882-4644.