Managing your company’s email can be a complex endeavor, due to the sheer volume of messages being sent and received, as well as the need to have a way to prioritize which messages are important. It’s safe to say that all organizations can benefit from email management solutions, such as email archiving, spam protection, and multi-factor authentication.

Email Archiving
When you have an email solution, chances are that you’ll be accumulating messages in your inbox at an astronomical rate. Your dealings with other organizations, vendors, and employees all culminate into a full inbox that often needs to be cleaned, even when all of the messages are important in their own way. This is when email archiving comes in handy.

Email archiving takes the messages that you acquire over the years and stores them in a secure location where they can later be accessed. Email archiving is important for moments when you might need to consult information stored long ago, such as when you feel you might lose an employee and are wondering if there was a way to keep them from resigning, or if you’re wondering if anyone is sharing sensitive data outside your organization.

Spam Protection
Organizations that use email are constantly plagued by spam. Not only is it an annoyance, but it’s also a major threat to your organization. Spam messages are often filled with malicious links that could redirect your employees to dangerous websites designed to steal credentials or infect your infrastructure. In fact, the most dangerous threats out there are spread through phishing email, which might lead to your networked getting hacked by ransomware. This could potentially be devastating to your business.

To resolve these issues, an enterprise-level spam solution is most effective. A spam-blocking solution keeps these messages out of your inbox in the first place. It doesn’t even give your employees the opportunity to make mistakes, as any messages deemed to be spam will be flagged, or denied access to your email server altogether. It’s a great way to keep your organization secure, and it means that you don’t have to go through your inbox wondering what’s real and what’s fake.

Multi-Factor Authentication
One simple yet highly effective security measure is to enable multi-factor authentication for every email account associated with your business. This is a security measure that goes one step beyond username and passwords by also requiring the user to login using a physical object, like an identification number sent via SMS message sent to a mobile device. The idea here is to prevent a hacker from accessing email accounts, even if they have stolen user credentials.

Does your organization need assistance with setting up a high-quality email solution? If so, reach out to Quikteks. Our trusted professionals will work with your business to make sure that email isn’t a problem you have to worry about. We can even host your email on our own servers so that you don’t have to worry about maintenance and management. To learn more, call us at (973) 882-4644.