Twitter Twits: 10 Epic Fails

Twitter Twits: 10 Epic Fails

While it may seem difficult to imagine embarrassing oneself in the space of a 140 character message, Twitter has been responsible for the downfall of companies, politicians and entire institutions. No one can deny that Twitter has been a boon for communication,...
The Tablet Age

The Tablet Age

Think back a few years ago before the Apple ipad (if you are in the medical field, there is a good chance you’ll relate to this). Remember back when “tablet” computers were essentially laptops sans-keyboard with little plastic styluses? Now...
6 Million Passwords Stolen from LinkedIn

6 Million Passwords Stolen from LinkedIn

LinkedIn, the popular social network geared towards business networking and communication, has reported a major breach in security. A file containing over six million passwords was leaked and posted on the Internet.What does this mean for you, and what course of...