Your computer is running slow and your investigations fail to find the reason, let alone fix the problem. It can’t go on like this, so you decide to pack up the computer and haul it off to your local computer repair shop. Of course that means you’re without your computer for a while, and that’s frustrating, but there’s nothing else you can do. The good news is that the computer itself isn’t broken. It needed some defragmentation and some malware had to be removed. It’s a relief that it’s a minor problem and that you’ll be up and running again soon…
But how long will it last? These things tend to recur, often because users can become a little careless under pressure in a busy working day. So you’re probably going to have to unplug it all and cart it off to the repair shop again sometime. Maybe you actually want to get to be on first name terms with the computer shop staff. Perhaps repeatedly paying to fix the same problem isn’t an issue for you and the downtime it all involves is no big deal. That would be really unusual. No-one likes battling with a sluggish computer, shelling out cash and twiddling their thumbs in the downtime that follows while it’s being fixed. Controllable expenses like this can be managed and at Quikteks we know how.
If you want to avoid all the hassle, we can provide you with professional support for business technology issues and computer problems. Our comprehensive managed services package includes remote monitoring. This proactive approach allows us to catch many of the problems that can affect your business technology before you grind to a halt. It’s the most cost-effective solution too, because you’ll pay a flat rate that compares favorably with the one-off fees you’ve been paying regularly to the computer repair shop.
Why would you take it to the repair shop when you can choose Quikteks? Why endure the hassle, the downtime and the added expenses when many problems can be prevented in the first place or fixed remotely, without you having to uncouple everything and lug it downtown? We’ll also do the work when you’re not there, so your work isn’t interrupted.
To find out more about our managed services and the other business technology services we offer, call Quikteks today at (973) 882-4644.