New computer bugs, known as Meltdown and Spectre, have been making the rounds, exploiting a previously unknown vulnerability found in the microprocessors that power computers and mobile devices.
According to Quikteks owner and CEO Andrew Rich, “The Meltdown and Spectre bugs are particularly scary threats because just about all modern computers and devices are vulnerable to this type of security flaw. It all comes down to the way unneeded data was discarded.”
While the world’s brightest computer security minds work on a solution, Rich says there are several important steps businesses can take to protect their systems against current and future attacks:
Apply patches and updates — Patches and various fixes such as kernel page table isolation have begun to appear, bringing with them some relief. Updating operating systems and software with the latest patches as they become available is one of the best ways to guard against these attacks, but even still this is temporary. New variants will appear, as will new bugs designed to circumvent the patch. Some experts suggest that the industry will need to rethink the circuit board itself, making sweeping architecture changes to more permanently fix CPU vulnerabilities. This could take years, making it more important than ever for businesses to proactively patch and update their systems.
Back up your data — Rich stressed the importance of regular data backups. “Whether it’s a CPU bug or a natural disaster, if something happens to your data, a good backup will save the day,” he said.
Install anti-virus programs — Anti-virus programs provide a first line of defense against threats of all types. These threats often arrive via email attachments and malicious websites, but they can also be detected and intercepted by anti-virus programs.
Follow safe internet practices — “Think before you click,” Rich suggested. “Are you expecting an invoice from an unknown shipping carrier? No? Then don’t click that .exe file that just landed in your inbox.”
Rich emphasizes the importance of being proactive. “Businesses should not wait for an attack or vulnerability to happen before responding,” he said. “By then, the damage is done.”
Schedule a network security evaluation with Quikteks today by visiting or calling 973-882-4644.
About Quikteks
Based in Fairfield, New Jersey, Quikteks delivers cutting-edge, reliable and cost-effective business technology solutions to small and medium-sized businesses in the Tri-State area. The company’s computer solutions include 24-hour tech support, help desk support, computer support, consulting, and storing valuable and confidential data in a secure cloud.