The role technology can play in increasing the productivity of your business is something we talk about a lot. In relation to productivity, something else we’d like to emphasize is what innovation can do to liberate your staff from mundane tasks. This is a great way to boost both job satisfaction and productivity.
Effective management of your staff has changed in recent years and, with more hybrid and off-site working, it’s more complicated than it used to be. Keeping tabs on productivity in these new work scenarios is important for any business. Your business technology should help with assessing and improving productivity.
Productivity: Metrics and Action
Success in business is often considered in relation to productivity. The assumption is that the more productive staff are, the more successful a business is and will be. Everyone feels good when productivity is high. It’s true that getting through a lot of work makes people feel as if they’ve achieved something. But productivity doesn’t necessarily, or simply, correlate with boosting the achievements of a business as a whole.
How exactly are people being productive? It can mean just successfully getting through the workload they’ve been assigned. That’s where technology comes in, because it can streamline a variety of everyday tasks and make them quicker and easier to accomplish.
The Right Tools
Implementing the right technology for your business is key to increasing productivity. A good place to start is with administrative tasks. Management tools that facilitate automation of basic tasks can be hugely helpful. There’s one, called Customer Relationship Management (CRM), that can automate various aspects of your business operations, including sales, marketing and customer relations. It can be applied to communications, time-tracking and interactions with clients. It facilitates collaboration and helps businesses to offer enhanced customer service.
Productivity Suites
Automation frees up your staff to do what your business needs most: revenue generation. Various tools are now available to help boost business productivity and liberate staff from chores that can take up valuable time. Productivity suites are another option. These are cloud-based solutions that are worth considering. As the name states, these are collections of tools to aid collaboration and promote efficient working.
Benefits of Cloud-based Resources
Cloud-based tools are a good option for any business seeking to maintain or improve productivity levels. They are being used more and more, especially as organizations embrace working from home and hybrid working. Because tools based in the cloud are accessible from anywhere, it can save time – and in business, time is money. Allied benefits include IT savings, since users don’t have to spend on servers and software licensing, or the IT maintenance costs involved. It’s possible and often ideal for smaller businesses to move all their operations to the cloud.
Innovation Drives Business Success
When times are tough and budgets are tight, innovation is harder to embrace. With rising costs, smaller businesses need to maximize the resources they already have, including their human resources. Technology can provide innovative ways to operate your business, including automation of diverse processes and daily tasks.
No matter what sector you’re in, it’s more than likely that a great deal of the working day consists of a variety of simple tasks that have to be dealt with on a daily basis. Think about how much easier it would be if these procedures and chores were automated, and staff could manage their schedules and key responsibilities just by pressing a button. That’s a real possibility. Consider these three technological options.
- AI ChatBot: AI gets quite a lot of bad press, but artificial intelligence is already with us in many areas of life, and you may already be aware of how useful it can be. In business, it can be helpful when staff are fulfilling several roles and endlessly multi-tasking. For example, you can provide customer and product support using AI via the internet. It can save time and money, and be a more efficient approach.
- The Internet of Things: The costs of running an office keep spiralling and utility bills are a significant part of that. With the Internet of Things (IoT), you can power your heating and aircon systems, lighting and more, so that it all operates at maximum cost efficiency. It’s affordable and can save time. You can also use the IoT for other tasks that are typically executed by your staff, including asset tracking and inventory management.
- Data Analysis: Using your data to run your business more effectively and productively can be challenging and time-consuming. This is another domain where technology can assist. Business analytics and intelligence platforms can automatically crunch your data, to provide you with insights that traditional analyses never covered. It can point towards operational problems that need attention, while big data initiatives are an innovative business tool to aid your plans for the future.
At Quikteks, we take pride in helping businesses to implement technology to improve productivity and profitability. We can advise you on how you can use automation and other innovations in technology to your advantage. You can reduce expenditure, boost efficiency and streamline your business operations. For more information on automation and allied tech solutions, call us today at 973882-4644.