Bandwidth is limited to whatever internet service package your company is signed up for. Is your office running short on bandwidth? Before you spend money on upgrading, consider internet monitoring.
The problem may not be that your internet package is too small, but that certain employees are hogging the bandwidth for personal reasons. If your employees have unlimited internet access, and your network is slow, it’s time to consider internet usage guidelines.
Where’s It All Going?
First, learn what internet applications take up the most bandwidth and create guidelines accordingly. Streaming media uses large amounts of bandwidth, so if several employees are streaming at the same time, your network is probably crawling. Rather than ban internet use entirely, learn what the peak usage times are for your company, and ask employees not to visit these websites then. Your bandwidth problem will be solved -if employees are compliant.
If Everybody Cooperates…
If you are still having network issues due to a lack of bandwidth, for example, a VoIP phone system that lags, then possibly someone is watching cat videos on YouTube. How do you handle such clear insubordination? You could turn into the creepy manager who sneaks around peeking into cubicles or combs through everybody’s browsing history at night. But who wants to be that person or work in that kind of environment?
Automate It
The easy, blame-free solution is internet monitoring tools. Quikteks can hook you up with a unified threat management solution that creates detailed reports on who is visiting what websites when, along with a clear picture of the bandwidth being used across the network. With UTM, you can filter out certain websites, and place internet restrictions on specific users. It also allows you to take corrective measures with uncooperative employees without you having to be a creeper.
It’s A Good Thing
While some employees may have privacy concerns, if you can show your staff the pros of internet monitoring, they will see that it is actually an asset to the company.
Our UTM solution:
- · Saves money on internet cost.
- · Protects company computers from viruses.
- · Protects employees from phishing scams.
- · Retains employee internet use as a privilege.
- · Makes the company more productive.
- · Safeguards the company from the liability of illegal downloading.
Want to know more about internet monitoring? Call Quikteks at (973) 882-4644. We can help.