Here’s a quick quiz for you. How many wireless access points do you have in your business premises? How many network switches? How many routers are past their warranty or beyond the support period? We don’t really think you’ll be able to come up with the answers off the top of your head, but you should have that information documented in an inventory somewhere.
There are all sorts of reasons why documentation of your IT infrastructure is an important resource. It can save you a whole lot of time and effort down the line. The record of what IT equipment you have is useful for insurance purposes, for keeping on top of your tech security and to prevent duplication when buying new equipment.
What to Include in Your IT Audit Inventory
This will vary a bit for different items of equipment but there are some things that apply across the board.
• Device name. This isn’t just what it is (e.g. printer) but its name on the network (if it has one). If it doesn’t, give it one that describes it (Conference Room Network Switch, for example). • Device Location. If the name doesn’t tell you where the item is located, make a note of where it is. • Model and Serial Number. This will be needed if you have warranty issues or need to contact the manufacturer or vendor for support. It’s easier to have an inventory you can consult, rather than hunting around for that little label on the item. • Acquisition Details. When the item purchased was and what date did you install it? It’s also useful to have information on who installed it. If it was set up by an external supplier, for example, and wasn’t properly installed, this will be useful when you’re deciding who needs to be contacted. • Vendor Information. Did you acquire the item from the manufacturer or another party? Is there a support number? It’s easier to have all this recorded so you don’t have to hunt it down later. • Information on Warranties. It’s handy if your audit documentation includes information on the length of the warranty, the expiry date, and whether you paid for an extended warranty. If the device has an estimated end of life date (after which it is no longer eligible for support), this is also useful information to have to hand. • Service History. All work carried out on a device should be documented. If you have an item that’s prone to failure it’s helpful to have its history noted down for reference next time it lets you down. Information should also include details of the initial setup, and changes in administration. This data can be hard to keep on top of, but it’s worth it in the long run.IT audits and documentation are important in the larger process of keeping your IT running smoothly. Quikteks can help you with this important task. We document all the hardware and software for you and keep detailed historical records of work done. For more information give us a call at (973) 882-4644.