Has Mobility Changed Your Business?
IT is a dynamic field. Technology changes fast and companies today have multiple new options that can help increase productivity and make running your business easier. The use of mobile devices and hosted services are two new developments. Let’s take a look at these. Do they provide real benefits or are they just like expensive new toys?
Using the cloud
Cloud computing is a huge new thing, but ‘the cloud’ is also a buzzword that has a bunch of different meanings. The technically correct definition is that it’s the infrastructure that allows computing power to be split between many devices. The term ‘the cloud’ is also used more loosely to refer to private clouds used by bigger organizations, and remote storage offered by companies like Google and Amazon. The cloud is even used to refer to social networks and allied web applications.
Let’s stick with the technical definition. Cloud computing is a solution that can save small businesses money. Managing IT infrastructure in-house has many associated expenses. Think of the cost of new hardware and its maintenance, of renting space, electricity, heat control and more. Why spend on this when someone else can manage it off-site? Cloud computing isn’t free, of course, but there are significant savings to be made in all sorts of areas.
Using mobile devices
These days most people who have a phone have a smartphone that can connect to the internet. These incredibly powerful little computing devices allow us to do all sorts of things. We can keep connected to friends and the workplace. In fact, we can work from almost anywhere. Mobile computing has connections to cloud computing, since the data required needs to be stored somewhere else. The combination means that the traditional desktop in the office shrinks in importance. Modern businesses are turning instead to using laptops, smartphones and tablets as essential tools for working.
The big bonus of mobile technology concerns productivity, because of the ease of access. Files and applications are available wherever you are, so time on the road doesn’t have to mean dead time. Staff can work from home if necessary. Effective communication doesn’t rely on face-to-face meetings in the office. The convenience can be a huge bonus. It could all lead to the death of the traditional desktop workstation. Small businesses are taking advantage of the many new and expanding possibilities that mobile technology offers.
Staying ahead in business means embracing innovations in technology, without just jumping in blindly. Do you want to cut costs, improve productivity and make your staff’s work easier? All these are possible. Quikteks can assist your North Jersey business to make the most of what new developments in technology have to offer your business. To find out more about mobile technology or cloud computing, call us at (973) 882-4644.