Technology can be key to improving your productivity and enhancing the efficiency of your day-to-day functioning. By implementing some easy upgrades, such as improving your internet connection speed, you can make a huge difference to your business operations. Here are a few ways you can use technology to enhance the way your business works and take it up a step.

1. Cloud Storage Servers Cut Costs

The big benefit of cloud storage is that your staff can access the information they need whether they’re in the office or somewhere else. Cloud storage also protects your valuable data because, if properly secured, they can never be hacked or destroyed. With key data accessible from anywhere via the internet, staff aren’t tied to the office and can get their work done from other locations or while on the move. Especially for start-ups and new businesses, an upgrade to cloud storage servers can cut your operating costs so you can put your money into developing your business.

2. Boost Your Wi-Fi

Even if your Wi-Fi seems adequate there’s a good chance that it could be even better. Modern routers have multiple channels so you can easily connect smart devices. Another important benefit of this upgrade is that you’ll enjoy better security features. When multiple channels are available it’s easier and faster to get multiple things done. One employee can be uploading a video while another downloads a big file, and there won’t be delays and slowdowns.

3. Use Docking Stations

You can get the most out of your existing technology by using a docking station. It’s the easiest and quickest way to connect a laptop to multiple devices, and if you dock your smartphone it’s easy to use Skype or other platforms to conduct meetings with clients, management or colleagues. Docking stations can also be used with other devices, such as tablets.

4. Give Your Staff Additional Monitors

Does your business require you to use several applications at once? You can save time and boost efficiency with extra monitors. You will really save time and boost productivity if you have monitors dedicated to programs in use, rather than having to constantly switch to bring up different programs. It can be really helpful on big projects with multiple dimensions that need to be used simultaneously.

5. More RAM Means More Power

With more RAM on your computer you gain virtual memory and your machine will be speedier. You’ll be able to have more tabs open in your browser, and upload and download files more quickly, without your system choking up. For small businesses this is a huge benefit, and the good news is that extra RAM really isn’t expensive these days.

Do you want to boost your productivity with simple technology upgrades? For assistance with any of the strategies described here, call the professionals at Quikteks at (973) 882-4644.