It’s convenient to have an in-house IT technician. If you have an issue, you call the IT department and ideally they fix it. We think it’s actually more advantageous to outsource your IT. Here are 5 reasons why.
Save on Onboarding Costs
Let’s say you want to hire a new IT technician. Have you ever done the math on how much it takes to hire a new staff member? The last time we looked at it, to hire an employee way back when we paid $8 an hour, considering all the paperwork, insurance, and taxes, it cost us $9,444.47. There is no onboarding cost or signup fee with Quikteks’s managed IT service.
Save on Training
If you’re lucky, you can hire an IT tech with experience in exactly what you need; at a higher salary, of course. You could also hire an inexperienced technician for less, and pay for their training. When you choose Quikteks, it’s like onboarding a trained technician because we send you a tech who is already experienced in your system.
We Don’t Take Days Off
Unless you have at least two techs, your system isn’t bulletproof, because the day your technician is out sick is the day your server will crash. At Quikteks, we are fully staffed to handle any of your technology emergencies at any time.
Save on Insurance
The bigger your staff, the bigger your insurance premiums. More employees means more unemployment insurance, property insurance, and medical insurance. By outsourcing your IT work, you can keep your premiums lower.
Save Money
Compare the yearly salary of one technician to the cost of a service contract with Quikteks. That’s a no-brainer.
We’re Right There
With an in-house technician, you have someone right there by your side in case you need something, right? We think outsourcing to us is the better deal. A call to Quikteks will result in instant help. Using our remote maintenance and monitoring tools, we have the ability to remote into your workstation from our end to take care of most issues. It’s as if we are right there!
It’s Just Smart
Outsourcing your IT service with Quikteks is the smartest thing you can do, for many more reasons; quieter office, cleaner office refrigerator, less drama, but the most important advantage is the money you will free up to reinvest in your business.
To learn what it takes to outsource your company’s IT department with our trained staff, give us a call at (973) 882-4644