Cloud storage is a big trend in computing which is practically unavoidable in the modern business world. Quick online access to content is a great asset, but it doesn’t come without risk to your data’s security.
Your Private Data Floating in the Cloud
It’s scary to think about storing and sharing your private data in the Cloud, but you have to meet the needs of your business. It doesn’t have to risky. Let’s talk about three common risks associated with cloud solutions, and how to avoid them.
1. Data Theft
The most obvious risk to any information stored online is data theft. No matter how small or large your business is, you know it’s already a target for hackers and threats of all kinds. Isn’t it going to be even riskier in the Cloud?
In reality, there’s no way to completely bullet-proof your business’s data from all the threats found on the Internet. Unless your business’s data is physically isolated from the internet, there’s a possibility that your data can be compromised. As long as you are in business, you always run some risk.
We Can Help
Optimize your network and cloud security to minimize this possibility. Online data security is a whole new game keeping up with the risks associated with Cloud use. At Quikteks we keep ahead of that curve. Contact us and ask about our comprehensive security solutions for the online environment.
2. Compliance Violations
Many businesses are subject to compliance laws pertaining to the storage and sharing of information. Using cloud storage to store sensitive data in an online environment can be a liability issue. If you have a data breach, and clients’ records are compromised, you are required to inform the victim of the breach and could be subject to fines.
Data Protection Standards
Depending on what type of business you run, there are specific criteria for the protection of sensitive information stored online. Chances are that if your business collects information, you’re subject to compliance laws. You are responsible for ensuring that your systems meet the compliance standards for your industry. Quikteks can help you understand these standards and put you in full compliance.
3. Downtime
If your business stores all its information in the cloud, what happens when the internet goes down? Hosting your data in the cloud requires connectivity; if your internet is down, you have a major roadblock that can set your business behind schedule and hurt your operations budget.
Store your information in multiple locations so you can access your business’s data and mission-critical applications from both online and offline systems. This minimizes downtime while keeping mobility, which is especially important to remote workers.
For more information about how Quikteks Tech Support can help your business get the best out of cloud solutions, give us a call at (973) 882-4644.