Everyone has their own idea of what constitutes success. Some say it’s what you make of it. What are your goals? Do you want to revolutionize your industry? Or are you aiming to make enough so that you and your family are comfortable financially? Whatever you want, success is built one step at a time.
1. We’re All Human
You’ve worked hard building your business and it’s all coming together. You’re gaining clients and leads and everything is gathering momentum. You feel the need to go bigger and higher – but remember you’re only human. If you overdo it then you may lose out on quality. Know your limits, and those of your staff.
2. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
Most companies have core values that are expressed in mission statements. They’re more useful than you might think. As they grow, all businesses are chaotic to some extent. Expanding your business means venturing into unfamiliar territory, and things can get fuzzy. A goal, code or mission is useful as a centre point to help keep you on track when other things aren’t clear.
3. Keeping Up with the Jones
Picture this: you’re at a lunch event, and you’re with a competitor and a potential new client, who’s almost on board with your business. Suddenly your competitor starts talking about new technologies and research in your area of business. It might not even be of direct interest to your potential customer, but you need to demonstrate that you know your field and are at the cutting edge. Knowledge is power and will give you a competitive advantage. Show your customers that you take the time to read up on the latest news and research in your area of business.
4. The Right Stuff (and Staff)
In a small or medium-sized business it’s important that your staff are a good fit for the company, and each other. Recruiting new staff is about more than qualifications alone. It’s important that they have the skills required to do the work – but also remember that you and your staff are going to have to spend perhaps forty hours a week with the applicant you select.
5. It All Cuts Both Ways
It doesn’t matter whether you have two or two thousand employees. You still need to make sure they want to work hard for you and your business. One way to do this is to promote from within if an opening arises. If you create internal mobility then the troops have a reason to keep marching.
Success is a complicated thing and there’s no magic formula. One thing is always true though – success is earned. Do you need new technology to take you further up the ladder to success? Quikteks can help. Call us at (973) 882-4644.