How to Find a Missing File

How to Find a Missing File

We all have moments when we misplace things like our car keys and wallet. Sometimes, we can even forget basic things like where we saved an important computer file. Thankfully, Windows understands these moments of forgetfulness and they’ve made it easy for users to...
Is Your PC Ready for Windows 11?

Is Your PC Ready for Windows 11?

Microsoft has officially unveiled Windows 11, the latest in its line of PC operating systems, as well as detailed its system requirements. Will your business be upgrading to Windows 11 when the time comes? We think a lot of it will depend on its current IT...
Be Sure to Update Your Microsoft Passwords

Be Sure to Update Your Microsoft Passwords

2020 is behind us and the new year is looking a little brighter. Like us, you probably formulated new goals for the year ahead and you’re probably looking to boost your personal wellbeing and your professional success. Managing avoidable risk is part of that. Make...
What CIOs Really Think of Windows 10?

What CIOs Really Think of Windows 10?

Windows 10, the next big Microsoft’s Windows operating system, has raised user’s expectations. For the past month select groups have had the chance to experiment with the technical preview. Even though the operating system will still be in development for the better...